Physical Computing
During the Physical Computing program, students learn to integrate hardware and computer software, such as microcontrollers (MCUs), sensors, and actuators, to create hands-on, interactive experiments. Basic technical skills are diverse in the twentieth century and are considered an essential factor for technical literacy. Students also receive training in other skills such as creative thinking, collaboration, critical thinking, and enhancing communication skills.

Target Age Group

15 to 18 Years old


Every Saturday: 10:00 to 14:00 – 14:00 to 18:00

4 hours workshop in a single go


400 Riyals Only

Location Map

الفئة المستهدفة

من 15 إلى 18 سنة


كل يوم سبت: 10:00 إلى 14:00 – 14:00 إلى 18:00

ورشة عمل مدتها 4 ساعات دفعة واحدة


400 ريال فقط

Location Map