STEAM Labs are designed for children ages 9 to 14 years old, teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) in an engaging and fun way. STEAM Labs activities teach creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. It takes learners through the design thinking process to make them problem solvers, innovators and ultimately inventors. Students are encouraged to identify problems, find solutions to the problems, and innovate through project-based inquiry-based learning activities.

Target age group

9 to 14 years old, refer to the cards below to know more about the age of the particular program in this category


Depends on the program you select. Refer to the program cards below to know it schedule and duration


Fees is different for different programs in this category, kindly select the program you are interested in to know more about it.



الفئة المستهدفة

من 9 إلى 14 سنة، راجع البطاقات أدناه لمعرفة المزيد عن عمر البرنامج المعين في هذه الفئة


يعتمد على البرنامج الذي تختاره. راجع بطاقات البرنامج أدناه لمعرفة جدوله ومدته


تختلف الرسوم باختلاف البرامج في هذه الفئة، يرجى اختيار البرنامج الذي ترغب فيه لمعرفة المزيد عنه.

Programs Offered in STEAM Labs

For other age group select from the following

STEAM Junior

5 to 8 years old

Go to STEAM Junior

STEAM Lounge

15 to 18 years old

Go to STEAM Lounge