STEAM Lounge
STEAM Lounge activities offered by King Salman Science Oasis, are the perfect way for high school students, ages 15 to 18, to have fun exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). The programs presented herein are written and tested by specialists and are specifically aligned with high school grades. The design thinking process is incorporated into all lessons to instill problem-solving skills. STEAM Lounge programs infuse creativity and broaden learners thinking horizons. STEAM Lounge programs target 21 Century skills and emphasize on exposing students to technology literacy.

Target age group

15 to 18 years old


Two to four hours, depend on the program that you select. Refer to program cards below please.


Fees depends on the program you select, kindly refer to the program card below for more information




الفئة المستهدفة

من 15 إلى 18 سنة


من ساعتين إلى أربع ساعات، حسب البرنامج الذي تختاره. الرجوع إلى بطاقات البرنامج أدناه من فضلك.


تعتمد الرسوم على البرنامج الذي تختاره، يرجى الرجوع إلى بطاقة البرنامج أدناه لمزيد من المعلومات

Programs Offered in STEAM Lounge

Looking for programs designed for other age groups?

STEAM Junior

5 to 8 years old

Go to STEAM Junior


9 to 14 years old

Go to STEAM Labs